Colombia Man with a Cucumber Stuck in his Behind Tells Doctors it “Grew Inside him”

Colombia Man with a Cucumber Stuck in his Behind Tells Doctors it “Grew Inside him”

In an incident that can make many scratch their heads, a man in Colombia who ‘somehow’ got a cucumber stuck in his behind, made the weirdest of claims to his doctors. The man’s claim was so bizarre that it has been covered by major outlets. With a cucumber stuck in his behind, the man claimed that the cucumber “grew inside him”.

The man in question went to hospital to complain about the pain and discomfort he was experiencing. The doctors were initially perplexed about the cause of his discomfort. Was it a hernia? Was it a tumor? Was it an alien implant? They decided to run some tests to find out. The doctors performed an X-ray, and what they saw was quite shocking.

The man was put under anesthesia, and the doctors began to remove the object. As they got closer to the object, they realized it was a cucumber!

Now, the man’s story of how the cucumber got there is where things get even more bizarre. He claimed that the cucumber had grown inside of him! According to him, he eats a lot of cucumbers, and he believed that one of the seeds had found its way into his digestive tract and began to grow.

The Facts of the Matter

Hold on to your seats, folks, because we have a story that will make your eyes water.

It involves a man, a vegetable, and a place where the sun doesn’t shine. Yes, you read that right. We’re talking about the kind of situation that makes you wonder what goes through people’s heads when they make their choices. So, brace yourselves, because this one is a doozy.

Also Read: Teen Gets Admitted for Stomach Pain, Gets 3-Foot-Long Charging Cable Stuck in Stomach Removed

Colombia Man Spices Up Diet

A man in Baranoa, Colombia, decided to spice up his diet by adding a cucumber to the mix. Only he didn’t just eat it like a normal person. Nope, he thought it would be a fantastic idea to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.

Fast forward to the hospital, and the poor guy is waddling in with a face full of discomfort. He can’t move, and he can’t explain why. The doctors run some tests and discover a foreign object lodged in his rectum on the X-ray. And no prizes for guessing what it was. Yep, it was a cucumber.

The Shocking Twist

But the story doesn’t end there. The man claimed that the cucumber had grown inside of him. In his words, he eats a lot of cucumbers and thought that one of the seeds must have found its way into his digestive tract and started growing.

Now, we don’t know about you, but we think we might have a new contender for the world’s most ridiculous excuse.

Also Read: Brazil: Man Gets 8-inch, 2kg Dumbbell Stuck in his Rectum, Doctors Forced to Use Hands to Remove It

What Do We Know, What Have We Learnt

The doctors rejected his hypothesis and quickly removed the cucumber. And thankfully, the man was sent home.

So, the moral of the story is clear: if you’re going to eat a cucumber, eat it the right way. And if you’re going to stick things where they shouldn’t go, make sure they’re not going to grow roots.

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Not the First Such Incident

But this isn’t the first time someone has gotten an assuming object stuck where it shouldn’t be.

Earlier in December last year, we reported about a teen who was hospitalised with a 3-foot-long charging cable stuck in his stomach.

Similarly, earlier in July last year, a man in Brazil made headlines for having an 8-inch long, 2kg heavy dumbbell stuck in his rectum.

In a similar incident, a woman from Tunisia with complaints pertaining to UTI took to the doctor and was found to be carrying a glass tumbler stuck inside her bladder for the last four years.


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The post Colombia Man with a Cucumber Stuck in his Behind Tells Doctors it “Grew Inside him” first appeared on Shiksha News.

