German Woman Opens Up About her ‘Relationship’ with Plane Called ‘Dicki’, Calls it ‘Boyfriend’ and Wants to Marry It

German Woman Opens Up About Her ‘Relationship’ with Plane Called ‘Dicki’, Calls it ‘Boyfriend’ and Wants to Marry It

In today’s episode of ‘This can’t be real’, a woman has opened up about her ‘relationship’ with a plane called ‘dicki’. The woman, identified as Sarah Rodo, calls the plane her ‘boyfriend’, and wants to marry it. The 23-year-old German woman is, what’s called as ‘objectum sexual’, meaning, getting attracted to inanimate objects. Such is her love for her Boeing 737 model, that she was quoted in a LADbible report saying, “I love everything about him, but particularly his face, wings and engine – they’re so sexy to me.”

With a plan to marry the love of her life, Sarah told LADBible that she fell in love with the plane the moment she laid eyes on “him”. Since then, she has been wanting to be with him as he makes her the happiest person.

“When I’m with my 737, I’m over the moon I love him so incredibly much – I just feel safe with him and want to spend all my time with him,” she was quoted saying. She also added that she prefers to fly as often as she can, so that she could hear and feel him.

She also mentioned that her friends have encouraged her love after she “came out” yet some people don’t understand her love.

The Facts of the Matter

The uber-popular 1993 song by Haddaway, simply titled “What is love?” is incredibly famous among meme makers and platforms such as Reddit and 9Gag. However, the recent report of a German woman wanting to marry her airplane, will certainly make one question and ponder – ‘What is love?’.

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Meet 23-Year-Old Sarah Rodo

23-year-old Sarah Rodo from Germany identifies as ‘Objectum Sexual’, meaning she is not attracted to either men or women, but inanimate objects. In a Mirror report, she claimed that she found out that she wasn’t attracted to humans when she never wanted to cuddle with them or form a physical connection with them. This was unlike when she had objects of fancy – quite literally – with whom she wanted to cuddle with.

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Identifying as Objectum Sexual

After finding out that she identified as Objectum Sexual, she fell in love with Boeing 737, which she calls her as her boyfriend. She has even named her plane as ‘Dicki’. The extent to her love is such that she owns 50 replicas of Boeing 737 to get physical with. Moreover, she also tries to travel by real Boeing 737 to “feel” and “hear” her love.

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Getting Tattoo of her Love on her Arm

Like any lover would, Sarah has also gotten two tattoos of her lover on her arm. When she craves to be near her love, she steps out and indulges in plane spotting. In her interview, she said that she had relationships with men earlier and never felt any romantic emotions with them.

“Makes me the happiest person”: Sarah on her boyfriend Dicki

She told Mirror that her plane ‘Dicki’, a Boeing 737 model takes up almost her entire bed. “I love everything about him, but particularly his face, wings and engine – they’re so sexy to me. I felt love immediately and just want to be with him all the time – he makes me the happiest person,” she said.

Wanting to Marry her Plane

While some people have not been able to understand her love and the fact that she identifies ‘Objectum Sexual’, her friends have encouraged her. She also wants to marry her love ‘Dicki’, but hasn’t been able to do so as it’s banned in Germany.

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