Caught on Cam: Brazil Man Miraculously Cheat Death As Out-of-Control Truck nearly misses him

Caught on Cam Brazil Man Miraculously Cheat Death As Out-of-Control Truck nearly misses him

In a hair-raising incident caught on cam, a man miraculously cheated death as an out-of-control truck nearly missed him after veering off the street. The incident was reported from Ceará’s Maracanaú in Brazil and occurred earlier on May 23. Shockingly, the incident transpired with no casualties or serious injuries being reported, something which is strange, given the nature of the entire accident. The entire ordeal was triggered after the truck in question hit a tree and veered off the street, nearly mowing over the bystander.

Several such incidents are reported every once in a while, which reaffirms the age-old Hindi adage – ‘jaako raakhe saiyaan, maar sake naa koye’ which roughly translates to, the one who is protected by almighty, would suffer no harm.

Earlier this year in April, a similar incident was reported from another South American country. In Argentina, a woman somehow ended up cheating death after she fainted and fell under a moving train at a metro station. Later it was revealed that the woman’s blood pressure had gotten low, due to which she fainted and fell under the moving train right around the time where she was waiting for a train to pass by.

The Facts of the Matter

Think of yourself standing at the corner of the street, waiting for a a door to open up, and somehow a huge truck veer off towards you. Both flight and fight response take time to initiate and all you are, is at the mercy of your luck. Something similar happened to a man in Brazil where he ended up cheating death.

The incident occurred earlier on May 23 and was reported from Maracanaú state’s Ceará’s neighbourhood, in the largest South American Country.

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What Does the Video Show?

In the video making rounds of social media, a man can be seen casually waiting in front of a property with a helmet in his hand. Soon enough, a huge truck appears in the frame. Somehow, the top half of the truck ends up getting stuck on a tree which leads to the driving losing control of the speeding vehicle. The truck veers off the road in no time and makes its way to the man in question. Somehow, the man ends up living to tell the tale as the truck’s side end hits him and not the front end which would have mowed over him. As the adrenaline wears off, the man realizes that he has cheated death and runs away frightened.

Watch Video Here:

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1.3 Million People Die in Accidents Every Year – WHO

According to the World Health Organization, about 1.3 million people die every year due to road traffic accidents. Further, 20-50 million people suffer serious non-fatal injuries, rendering them disabled due to the extreme nature of their injuries.

In its report, the WHO also stated that road traffic injuries and casualties cause economic losses to countries on a larger level. From cost of treatment to loss of productivity, to taking time off to care for the injured, such economic loss cost. at least 3% of GDD to most countries, WHO reports.

Meanwhile, on the flipside, there are those who somehow are protected by either a guardian angel, or the sheer randomness of the universe. These individuals come out alive from a certain death situation, and miraculously cheat the grim reaper.


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