Australian Fisherman Found Inside 2 Crocodiles, Was Attacked by After Shooing Crocs Away to Fish

Australian Fisherman Found Inside 2 Crocodiles, Was Attacked by After Shooing Crocs Away to Fish

An Australian fisherman got more than what he bargained for, after he was attacked by two crocodiles as he shooed them away to fish. The fisherman, who was reported missing earlier, was found inside the crocodiles. Kevin Darmody, a 65-year-old pub manager from the nearby town of Laura, went missing during the trip and the search for him ended in a truly horrific discovery: his remains were found inside two of the crocodiles that had been lurking in the water.

Eyewitnesses say that the group of fishers had shooed away a crocodile in order to start fishing, but it seems that this was only the beginning of their troubles. According to police inspector Mark Henderson, Darmody was heard yelling and screaming before a large splashing of water was heard. The next thing anyone knew, he had disappeared.

The discovery of Darmody’s remains has sent shockwaves through the local community, with friends and colleagues describing him as a “bloody top bloke” and a “legend”. He was known to be an extremely knowledgeable fishe, and was fully aware of the risks of venturing into crocodile territory.

It should be noted that Australia is both famous and infamous for its diverse wildlife, and incidents where humans have become victims of similar attacks.

The Facts of the Matter

It was supposed to be a routine fishing trip in the serene waters of Lakefield National Park, but little did the group of anglers know that danger lurked beneath the surface. Kevin Darmody, a seasoned fisherman, was among the group, eager to reel in a catch.

Suddenly, a loud splash shattered the peaceful atmosphere, followed by a blood-curdling scream that echoed through the park.

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Group of Hunters Get Scare of a Lifetime

The group of anglers turned in horror to see a massive crocodile lunging towards Darmody, its jaws agape.

In a frantic attempt to save their friend, the group screamed and waved their arms, hoping to deter the crocodile. But it was too late. The beast had already locked its jaws on Darmody’s leg, dragging him beneath the water’s surface with incredible force.

Remains Found in Not One, But Two Crocs

Rangers were called in to track down the crocodiles responsible, and they soon located two beasts upstream from where the group had been fishing. One of the crocodiles was a whopping 4.2 metres long, while the other was a mere 2.8 metres, but both of them had human remains inside them.

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Deceased was Knowledgeable About Crocs

Kevin Darmody, also known as ‘Stumpy’, had a vast knowledge of fishing in crocodile-infested waters and was well aware of the risks, according to his friends. One of his acquaintances expressed his sorrow on Facebook, stating that Mr Darmody was a local who knew the dangers of the area.

A friend of his, Bart Harrison, revealed that he was fishing nearby when Darmody disappeared. He heard someone yelling, “He’s gone, he’s gone,” and when he went down to the water, he saw that it was all stirred up and dirty. Harrison added that Darmody knew the river quite well and had been living in the area for a long time.

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Political Leader Asks of Crocodile Culling

While the deceased’s family and friends mourn the loss of talented and cheerful fisherman, a political leader in Australia has given his two cents on the matter.

The leader of the Queensland’s Australian Party, Robbie Katter, has expressed concern that crocodiles are spreading to waterways that were once considered crocodile-free. Mr Katter believes that the only viable solution is to cull crocodiles since they are moving up the river system and taking over waterways.


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